with Korina Tsipoura
In this workshop, Korina seeks to inspire a more creative practice using a cross disciplinary approach, applying and combining her experience as a professional contemporary dancer to bring a greater awareness of the body in Yoga. Research has shown that by engaging in a variety of movement disciplines we enhance our proprioception and kinaesthesia and create new pathways in our brain. Using somatic and performance techniques, we will do exercises to improve our coordination and challenge body and mind with different ways of moving. There will be an equal focus on our quality of movement and moving with grace. To achieve this, we will have a set Yoga sequence which we will approach from the perspective of a dancer; detailing technique, practicing, clarifying and repeating. By deconstructing these sequences, we will be able to examine mechanics in greater detail and develop a more intrinsic understanding of fluidity in transitions; something that we do not get the chance to do in regular classes. This workshop aims to provide you with a fresh approach to your Yoga practice and support greater integration of mind and body.