Working From Home?
Rehab That Neck
As we become increasingly reliant on technology many of us are spending increasing amounts of time looking at computers, televisions and smart phones, and sitting in less-than-ideal home office set-ups. This is causing poor neck posture and lack of dynamic movement which can lead to a dysfunctional neck.
As the neck becomes more dysfunctional there is an increase of stress onto the joints and muscles leading to stiffness and pain. Long term dysfunction of the neck can even lead to conditions such as headaches, migraines or shoulder and arm pain caused by irritation of the spinal nerves. Resting your chin on your chest to look at your phone for long periods of time means you are stretching your whole structure adversely, but specifically this can stretch the spinal cord and brain stem. This can affect respiration, heart rate and blood pressure and can also mean that happy hormones, such as Endorphins and Serotonin are not released, meaning a potential increase in anxiety.
Of course technology is extremely useful and absolutely integral in our pandemic-affected lives, but it’s important that we counteract these poor postures by spending more time being physically active; we just need to make sure we keep our bodies happy and healthy with lots of movement!
Take a 10min digital detox and try these three resistance exercises to help bring a little bit of equilibrium back to your cervical spine… Not got a resistance band? Try an old pair of tights or a dressing-gown tie!
Start in an upright position with your shoulders relaxed. Look straight forward. Tuck your chin in, as to resemble a double chin, hold this position.
5 REPS | X2
Stand up straight and place the middle of a resistance band around the side of your head, just above your ear. Hold the two ends in one hand to the other side. Ensuring there is always some tension in the band, keeping your head still; gently pull the band out and in a little. The aim of this exercise is to keep your head in the still while the resistance of the band tries to pull it sideways.
Tie a resistance band around a solid object and hold the ends in each hand. Stand on both legs with your feet hips width apart, keeping a good upright posture. Bend your elbows and pull the band back, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Control the movement as you return your hands to the start position. Keep your core strong throughout this exercise.
10 REPS | X3