Acupressure Technique
For Stress & Anxiety
Acupuncture is well known for treating stress and anxiety symptoms. The insertion of extremely fine needles in specific points on the body stimulates the nervous system to release endorphins, regulate serotonin, promoting relaxation and deactivating the ‘analytical’ brain, which is responsible for anxiety and worry. Acupressure uses the same points as Acupuncture, but applies finger pressure instead of needles.
These are challenging and uncertain times for many of us. The next time you feel a wave of anxiety coming up try applying pressure on one of the acupuncture points to calm the nervous system and release some of the feelgood chemicals.
One easily accessible and effective point is Yintang “Hall of Impression”.
It is located at the midpoint between the eyebrows, in the area of the Third Eye. It is a powerful point to calm the spirit and take the edge off anxiety, agitation and restlessness. It is effective in promoting deep relaxation and treating insomnia.
To locate this point, feel for a tender spot between your eyebrows, your fingertip will be automatically be drawn to it. Apply gentle but firm pressure for 30 seconds. Use slow circular motions and breathe deeply into your abdomen.
Acupressure should never be painful. Pressure should be gentle over fragile or sensitive areas, such as the face. Acupressure shouldn't be done over open wounds, bruises, varicose veins, or any area that is swollen.
“I am a traditional acupuncturist (BSc (Hons) LicAc MBAcC) based in Honor Oak Park, South East London, where I run a general acupuncture practice.
I graduated from the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine (CICM), the leading acupuncture college in the UK. Since qualifying I have undertaken extensive specialist postgraduate training in acupuncture for women’s health, including: fertility support, both natural and assisted (IVF), pregnancy, menstrual issues and the menopause.
Acupuncture is a holistic approach and the focus of all my treatments is on optimising overall vitality and quality of life. I see each person as an individual and each treatment is tailored to your particular circumstances and well-being.
I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council, the Acupuncture Fertility Network and the Acupuncture Childbirth Team (ACT) London.
My acupuncture practice is supported by my life-long interest in various healing practices, including yoga, qigong and mindfulness meditation, and I am also a qualified yoga teacher.”