• The Honor Oak Wellness Rooms (map)
  • 82 Brockley Rise
  • London, SE23 1LN
  • United Kingdom

With Gillian Evans

Even with a regular commitment to a weekly class, students often experience frustration about establishing a routine that would allow time and space to practice yoga at home. Students often have a strong desire to do yoga more often, but despite this determination there may be all kinds of reasons why it seems to be impossible to create the conditions for a regular practice at home. Many students arrive at a point where they want to push through, to practice every day as part of their self-care routine, because they want to experience more often the boost to energies, mood and vitality felt after the yoga class, or they want to deepen their practice to a new level by practising in between classes, but it is often hard to turn this well meaning intention into a stable reality. This workshop is designed to reframe home practice not as a chore but as a ritual that liberates students from self-defeating beliefs. The workshop explores how students can overcome the sense of failure they often experience when they cannot find time or make space for yoga in their lives.