Closing 14 days of self care
With gratitude
These days, in the time of WFH, social distancing, COVID restrictions, and the potential approaching festive chaos; it’s so important to check in and to remind ourselves of all the good in the world. Gratitude can help you with that.
The benefits of practicing gratitude are nearly endless. People who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they're thankful for experience more positive emotions, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and research has shown physiological advantages too, including a strengthened immune system and lowered blood pressure. Additionally, practicing gratitude can lead you to experience increased feelings of satisfaction and fulfilment; when you recognize and are thankful for what you already have, you’re less likely to crave something new to fill a void.
And some more good news is that when you’re grateful, you boost your social ties as well. Gratitude can help you build and strengthen relationships, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation. And the more you “flex” your gratitude muscle, the stronger they get!
Now that we’ve convinced you that you need a gratitude practice, where can you get started?!
We’re going live TONIGHT - SATURDAY 5TH DECEMBER - at 8pm, for an Instagram LIVE Closing Meditation and gratitude practice.
And then we’ll be uploading the video here, so you can come back and practice some gratitude it any time you like!
To practice gratitude for the things you already have, take time to enjoy them in the moment. You can do this through mindfulness. It’s as easy as taking a brief pause to acknowledge your gratitude.
When you get dressed in the morning, pause to notice when you put on an item of clothing you love. (Or that you were excited to buy… however long ago that was.)
When eating dessert or your favourite snack, savour it. Pay attention to the act of eating and you’ll enjoy it even more.
It may feel odd at first to savour that bowl of cereal you typically wolf down before work. But with time you’ll realize it’s easy to find things you’re grateful for throughout the day.
Mindfulness is something you can practice anywhere, anytime.
We’ve been blown away with the messages of support we’ve received from this project! We so hope that you’ve found something to support you - and you can come back to time and again - as we move through the end of 2020.